Portrait, my beautiful portrait

Visual arts


Portrait (photo).jpg
  • Full price: €130

    REP/REP+: €60

    Special public*: €60

    *Disabled or social audience

  • 2h30

  • High school

  • The Château de Maisons is not accessible to people with reduced mobility.

  • Maximum 30 students and two accompanying adults.


Owners and guests have their portrait in the château. What do they reveal about their personalities?

Strolling through the château, students observe and compare different portrait types (painting, sculpture, engraving, medallion) and the codes of representation.

In the photo workshop, they work on notions of staging and identity, drawing inspiration from the models they met during their visit.


Issues of representation in the visual arts

To book a workshop or a visit, please fill in the booking form below, then send it by e-mail to the booking department.

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High school