Peinture de Hubert Robert (1733-1808), paysage avec cascade inspiré de Tivoli

The painting collection

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File | 18 contents


Paysage de tempête par Gaspard Dughet

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 4 min

Paysage ("Landscape") by Gaspard Dughet

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 4 min


Jésus chassant les marchands du Temple ("Jesus expelling the merchants from the Temple"), by Jean Jouvenet

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 4 min

Le départ de Phaéton ("Phaeton's departure") by Jean Jouvenet

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 4 min

Le repas chez Simon le Pharisien ("The Supper at the House of Simon the Pharisee") by Jean Jouvenet

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 4 min

19th century French School

La baie de Naples ("The Bay of Naples"), 1820, by Jean-Joseph-Xavier Bidault

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 5 min

Vue de Subiaco ("View of Subiaco") by Jean-Victor Bertin, 1818

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 3 min

Le lac de Nemi ("Lake Nemi") by Jean-Victor Bertin

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 3 min

Le pont d’Auguste ("The Bridge of Augustus") by Jean-Victor Bertin, 1818

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 3 min

Paysage monumental d’Italie ("Monumental Landscape of Italy"), 1820, by Jean-Joseph-Xavier Bidault

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 4 min

Le phare de Gênes ("The Genoa lighthouse") by Jean-Joseph-Xavier Bidault

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 4 min

Orphée aux Enfers ("Orpheus in the underworld"), by Charles Boulanger de Boisfrémont

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 5 min


Une éruption monumentale du Vésuve ("A monumental eruption of Vesuvius") by Pierre-Jacques Volaire

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 5 min

Vénus apportant des armes à Enée ("Venus bringing weapons to Aeneas") by Nicolas-André Monsiau

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 2 min

Alexandre domptant Bucéphale ("Alexander taming Bucephalus") by Nicolas-André Monsiau

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 3 min

Un paysage monumental avec cascade par Hubert Robert

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 4 min

Portrait du marquis et de la marquise de Faventines jouant de la musique ("Portrait of the Marquis and Marquise de Faventines playing music") by Jean Valade

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 3 min

Portrait de Monsieur Carré de Candé et de ses trois fils ("Portrait of Monsieur Carré de Candé and his three sons") by Jean Valade

Art & Architecture

articleReading time | 3 min